Collection: Seed Garlic

On Sale for August!  15% baked into the price.  They will go back up in Sept!

Our famlily is absolutely in love with our garlic!  We have stewarded this hard neck variety, Music, for over 7 years now.
  Plant it in the Fall and you will be harvesting Garlic next July/Augest.  We like to spread ample COMPOST and then MULCH our garlic for the winter with straw.  This reduces weed pressure during the garlic season. 

Your family will love pulling and popping the scapes that grow out of the tops of the garlic in the spring!  Saute, steam, stir-fry or pesto the garlic scapes for a flavorful addition to any meal.  Then come harvest time you can gather around with friends and family  to clean and cut your garlic or even braid the soft neck variety!

Seed Garlic

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