About Us

Cultivating the Commons was established by Clint Freund and Kassandra McKinnon. With over 13 years experience in Organic Farming, we’ve been making Seedsaving a priority since 2016. We focus on Open-Pollinated crops, meaning ones that are easily seedsaved and shared. We work with everything from heirlooms to soon-to-be-heirlooms. Many of our varieties and early seed experiences were shared with us by our seed mentors Beth and Nathan Corymb, founders of Turtle Tree Seed & Meadowlark Hearth Seed. In our work, we hope to add to the thousands of years of relationship building others began and we continue with these plants. Growing these seeds we can all hold in COMMON!
We strive to grow seed that produces food we want to prepare, cook and eat. We focus on regional adaptation and finding varieties that fair well here. We prioritize Organic Certified practices and quality seed that performs.
Look for our seed in other catalogs and from cohorts including: Experimental Farm Network, Nature & Nurture Seeds, Southern Exposure Seed Exchange, Baker Creek Heirlooms, Sow True Seeds, and Seed Savers Exchange.
We acknowledge that Cultivating the Commons is located on Indigenous Lands of the Ojibwe Nation and recognize the indigenous peoples who have lived and continue to live on these lands. We are grateful and fortunate everyday to be stewarding Ojibwe land that precedes the establishment of the state of Wisconsin, and the United States of America.
As we move through these times, the search for who we are in relation to this planet and the life on it has become ever more crucial. Join us on this seed journey as we find those relationships that were once so obvious and full of abundant love, but have become so easily lost to modernity. Stay in touch and share with us what you discover!!
~Clint Freund & Kassandra McKinnon